Negotiations on the first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the United Faculty of Florida - Lake-Sumter State College Chapter (UFF-LSSC) and Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC) began on April 9, 2019.
Copies of proposals from both sides will appear on this page as soon as possible after they have been made public at the bargaining table.
The UFF-LSSC bargaining team includes chief negotiator Emily McCann from the Florida Education Association (FEA) and faculty members Sybil Brown, James Cason, Dr. Debby Hicks, Amber Karlins,
Jeremy Norton, Dr. Luis Ortiz, and Dr. David Walton.
To put together the initial proposals, the UFF-LSSC chapter conducted a survey of the faculty, followed by meeting discussions on the issues,
and the establishment of work groups to focus on our priorities and the writing of our initial proposals. All faculty are encouraged to make their
concerns known to the UFF-LSSC bargaining team and/or chapter leadership so they may represent your interests in the best way possible.
In our bargaining session on Monday, June 3 we were presented with reponses to Articles 1, 3, and 5. These were discussed in the two hour meeting with a tentative agreement reached only on Article 3.3 Non-Assignment with a minor change (the word College to Employer).
The session on Thursday, July 25 lasted for four hours. We gave our response to the administration's proposals and discussed Articles 6 (Union Rights), 8(Faculty Evalutions), and 12 (Tenure, Promotion, and Rank). No agreements were reached at this session.
At the October 8 Session a Memorandum of Understanding concerning Program Managers was agreed and signed. We also discussed Union Rights, Grievance and Arbitration (the administration provided a new proposal), and we presented an update to Faculty Evaluation.
The October 30 Bargaining session featured discussions on Grievance and Arbitration, Reduction in Force, and Faculty Evaluation. A tentative agreement was signed on Non-Discrimination. Our next Bargaining Session will be on November 21 at 3:30 in the Leesburg boardroom.
The November 21 Bargaining session featured discussions on domestic violence related leave, court related leave, FMLA, worker's comp, and grievance and arbitration. Tentative agreements were signed on 6.10 Court Related Leave and 6.11 Domestic Violence Related Leave.
The January 31 session was productive after several cancellations by the administration (that totals four lost sessions since the the beginning of fall). Tentative agreements were reached on Articles 6.4 (Holiday Leave), 6.9 (Military Leave), 6.12 (Professional Leave), and the more substantial Article 7 (Reduction in Force). We also continued to work on Faculty Evaluations (with a couple of sticking points), Grievance (a back and forth about the arbitration step which we have not waived), and began an overdue discussion on the Work Load article.